“The Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening…” (1 Kings 17:6)

This testimony recorded in scriptures didn’t end with Elijah. The raven is still in operation today in the lives of those who believe! In the maiden edition of this publication was an awesome testimony of the raven supply (You can read online at www.revivalpost.) Yet, the raven didn’t stop then. It has continued to serve as an herald of supernatural and mind-blowing provision to God’s People as prophesied by God’s prophet, Dr. Isaiah Wealth after he had seen a Raven in a vision from God.

Here is the encounter as rendered by the man of God.

“I was in a vision, and I saw a black bird come and land in the mountain where I had been in separation with the LORD. It was a black bird with a rainbow colour all around its chest. I began to search my spirit what this could mean when suddenly, the voice of the LORD came to me saying “this is the Raven that fed Elijah, and has come to feed the tithers”. The LORD continued that “the world spoke against tithers on the internet over the past two years, but now, the Raven has come to feed the tithers. Those who believed God’s Word and were tithing, believing God’s Word and supporting the Kingdom, the Raven has come for them.”   

Since the last edition of this publication, the coronavirus pandemic and its adverse effects have hit harder than before. Many more have lost their jobs, poverty rate increased and many nations are in economic recession. But in confirmation to the words of God’s servant, God’s people were neither helpless nor forsaken as they began testifying of the raven’s supernatural supply just like Elijah did.

Let us take a look at one of the testimonies that have come in so far.

The Raven Has Indeed Landed in South Africa!

My contract at my place of work was meant to end on the last day of October. Before this time, I had been犀利士 extended before but by only two months which is now coming to an end. I had begun to think of what the next phase of my life will be and how I would survive especially in the face of the pandemic. However, just on the final day of my contract, my colleague who works with the Accounts unit began to call me repeatedly, but I was reluctant to answer. To my surprise she then asked me for my bank account details. Then she also asked me for my contract form which I had initially signed when I started working there.Surprisingly, as the day went on. I saw a notification that money was paid into my bank account. I noticed that this amount that was paid in from my employer was double my salary. I began to wonder what could be going on. But I suspected that the raven that our man of God prophesied about was at work. To my amazement, my employer had prepared my permanent employment papers and presented it to me for signing. A new project has been assigned to me where I will serve in the role of a supervisor. When unemployment was looming in my face, the Raven made provision for me not to lack any good thing. Glory be to God! God is Awesome!

Sis Nilza (Pretoria, South Africa)

Just as you have heard and read this testimony of Raven supply, you can connect to the Word of the LORD by faith and more will be given to you. Lack and penury is not God’s will for you and your household this season. It is your season to partake of supernatural supply!


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