The revelation of the fear of the LORD is an integral requirement for entering into a season of revival, because we cannot claim to desire an outpour of God’s Spirit unless we truly know Him and honour Him as God. However, in these days when the term ‘fear of God’ is scarcely understood or often mis-interpreted, it would be beneficial to look into scriptures to understand what the fear of God really is?

Psalm 34:11

It begins by acknowledging God

Before we begin defining what the fear of God is, I want us to first clarify that there would be no need to speak about what does not exist. There can be no such thing as having or developing the fear of God if God does not exist. The Bible stresses that those who come to God must first acknowledge that He is.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. 

Hebrews 11:6

The key reason many in the world find it difficult to live in the fear of God is because they reject the thoughts of God. They say in their heart that there is no God. Hence, they live according to their own will and desires without a regard to the will of God. It is for the repentance of such that a revival is even the more necessary.

The Two States in the Fear of God

There are two different states that a man may be in with regards to the fear of God. These are the No Fear of God State and the Fear of God State. Let us consider them quickly for a fuller understanding of what it really means to fear the LORD.

1.  No Fear of God state:

There are two categories of people in this category.

There are people who do not believe in the existence of God. In their reasoning, they hold the belief that since God does not exist, then there is absolutely nothing as living in fear of Him. They say, ”Since there is no God, why should I fear Him?” The Bible refers to this thinking as foolishness.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. – Psalm 53:1

The second category of people in this state are those who claim to believe in the existence of God, but whose lives do not reflect this reality, as their actions are not aligned to the will and commandments of God. These also do not have the fear of God, and as such live an ungodly life. The Bible refers to such as the wicked.

The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes. – Psalm 36:1

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes. The wicked live a life of sin because there is no fear of God in their heart.

Romans 3:10-18

2. The Fear of God state

In this second state, are those who have varying measures of the fear of God in their hearts based on their degree of reverence for God, understanding of who He is, and their experience of His terror. It is important that we understand these three possibilities to be able to develop and grow in the fear of God so we may be able to bring down the revival of God.

  1. Reverence: This is the beginning of developing the fear of the LORD.
  1. Common Regard: In this state, a man acknowledges that God exists but does not worship Him as God. Instead he merely regards or acknowledges Him and fears His wrath. Such a man may have a fear of dealing with God or anything that has to do with Him, but he does not follow God’s ways.
    1. Worship: Worship is more than just a song, it is the state of our heart that elevates God. A man that fears God  worships Him even in his day to day activity. In order words, a man who fears God moves beyond the level of mere regard for God to living a life that pleases Him.
  1. Understanding: Beyond the mere desire to please God in our day to day lives, there is a level of seeking to have a revelation of who God is so that you may worship and fear Him as you ought to. In this state, you acquire the fear of God by understanding of his word. Through the study of the Word, prayer and intimacy, you begin to learn to fear him. When you gain an understanding of the fear of God, then you can attract the spirit of the fear of God.

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.  Isaiah 11:2-3

Whenever your heart is set on seeking the understanding of who God is, you attract the spirit of the fear of the Lord and thereby grow in the fear of the LORD by understanding.

  1. Terror: Beyond being a loving Father who loved the world so much that He sacrificed His Only Son to save the world, God is also a judge. In fact, the Bible describes Him as being terrible.

For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: – Deuteronomy 10:17

God is not a President, He is the Maker of the universe, Controller and Possessor of realms, the First and the Last. There is absolutely nothing to compare him to, neither is there anyone like Him.

Many believers are yet to experience God at this level because they have not yet encountered the manifest presence of God in His terribleness. Remember what happened to the children of Israel when God came down at Sinai. Their hearts failed them.

And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. 

Exodus 20:18-20

How can one see and his terribleness and not be in terror of him?

As we learn about the Love of God, His forgiveness, His gifts, His spirit and all the goodness that are associated with His person, we also need to learn and inculcate His fear in our hearts, as a believer or a church that does not understand the fear of God cannot bear His power. And without the power of God on display on earth, how would we bring the world to repentance before Him?

The measure of the power of God required to bring a revival on the earth will only be attained when the Church begins to live in the fear of God and thus be endued to make known the terror of the LORD. But first, it takes a deep level of understanding of God that only his fear can give to be able to wield the height of power that is required for worldwide revival and it begins with one Christian at a time.

114 thoughts on “THE FEAR OF GOD”

  1. I ve just been so blessed reading through this.

    This paragraphs below means a whole lot.

    God is not a President, He is the Maker of the universe, Controller and Possessor of realms, the First and the Last. There is absolutely nothing to compare him to, neither is there anyone like Him.

    The measure of the power of God required to bring a revival on the earth will only be attained when the Church begins to live in the fear of God and thus be endued to make known the terror of the LORD

  2. The fear of God has really been misunderstood in church today, this article is really helpful i can see clearly what it really entails thanks am sharing right away

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for this book. Now I know that as christians we need to begin to live in the fear of God for revival to come.

  4. This is really an important message needed for our generation, a lot of young people have just taken God as their playmate. That is why we have lost those glory days that we used to see in the old testament, but I believe as we engage and these teachings the world will be revived and experience the peace of God.

  5. This article gave me more insight about the deeper level when it comes to the fear of the Lord. God bless for this piece

  6. Gabriel Ikponmwosa O.

    This is a timely article at a time where the fear of the lord have been relegated to the background. This has indeed bring a reawakening in my Spirit to consciously live in the fear and reverence for God.

  7. Dutman Emmanuel

    This Subject is one I’ll carefully follow on this platform…
    I HV been greatly blessed…
    I fear God and would contiously develop that…

    Thanks to our prophet for this eye opener

  8. Wow, what a revelation. I am really blessed and learnt a lot about the fear of the Lord. Thank you Jesus for giving us a teaching priest.

  9. Wow.. I so much appreciate this publication, I’m so blessed. The body of christ need to get this understanding.
    I’m looking forward to more exciting topics.

  10. God is the sovereign one, the eternal one , the supreme judge and the creator of all things. Therefore, he should be feared. This is a subject to be taught to the entire world.

  11. Wow..Glory to God! This is a revelation. I love reading articles and l had never come across such. I am so thankful. This Is deep…

  12. Tiger Higgs Raht

    Woow!!! Very enlightening article and a quick remembrance to the needful as we anticipate the revival of God in this generation. I declare to reverence God not out of fear but out of the revelation of who he is. Thank you sir for this article

  13. I love how this is such an easy to read article. Even someone with no Christian background can easily read and understand the contents.
    Thank you for this

  14. I love this subject on the fear of the Lord. I used to think of the fear of the Lord as being scared of him but this post is teaching me it is not. We fear the Lord because of who is and that fear is very important if we are to see the last revival to our world

  15. Luvuyo Wonder Mkhatha

    What a necessary and an eye opening post. This is what is needed to bring back God in our churches, leading to the out pour of His Spirit that will usher us into the greatest revival we’ve ever seen and experienced in our lifetime.

  16. This is an extraordinary message captured in letters for this generation. THE FEAR OF THE LORD is certainly the beginning of wisdom.

  17. Fortune Mkhatha

    My God..perfect message for our generation and the body of Christ as whole. I love the part where our prophet said… “The fear of God begins with acknowledging God”.

  18. My eye’s are open to new possibilities, how to fear God and what to do, Thank you Lord for the gift of knowledge upon our man of God.

  19. Masana Maswanganyi

    This is so insightful and helpful, this article wouldn’t have come at a better time than this very time.

    Thank you Dr Wealth

  20. My GOD!!! This is revelation… Revival cannot come from me if my actions are the same as the worldly people. We thank God for our prophet Dr Isaiah Wealth… where Would I be

  21. It’s an honour to get to know the wrath of God as well , in the essence of helping us to fear Him more ,, so grateful for such an article 🙏🏾

  22. This great revelatory artical has transformed my perception concerning the fear of the Lord .
    After years of misunderstanding this concept , finally an artical such as this is released to correct what was broken . Now that I have received this knowledge ,I may now apply this accordingly and serve the Lord the way He’s suppost to be served .

  23. Venessa Mawelela

    Sweet Holy Spirit help me to work on my fear of the LORD that I may please Him always, acknowledge Him and magnify Him.

  24. What a wonderfully simple but brief message,I now understand fully the fear of the Lord and thus will try by all means to go back to the Lord, to fear Him and serve with all my heart…may God bless Dr Isaiah Wealth and the Gospel Pillars ministry

  25. My God, no one can know this things unless it is revealed to him by God. Thank You Lord for our Prophet that hears from You.
    This calls for deep meditation and repentance. We have to have the fear of God moving from Reverence to Understanding His fear to Terror.
    Love of God indeed does not cancel the fear of Him
    A believer or a church that does not understand the fear of God cannot bear His power. And without the power of God on display on earth, we cannot bring the world to repentance ?

    Oh Lord let the fear of you rest in the Church, in the world and in me.

  26. This is so powerful! It speaks to me as a Christian to always remember and more importantly to understand living in the fear of the Lord so as to walk in His power that will revival to the world we live in!

  27. Andy Nii Ayitey Andy Nii Ayitey Mettle

    My heart is set to burn with the understanding i have gained from this timely piece. Our world truly needs a revival and indeed it begins from having a terrible fear of God.

  28. Amaobichukwu Chibuzor Titus

    This knowledge is rare
    It is very obvious that the Prophet of God Dr Isaiah wealth travelled to the Corridors of eternity and downloaded the mind of God ….
    My approach to the things of God will change drastically for the better… And I choose to truly fear God

  29. Deep through with well elucidated insight on how ti make the fear of the Lord tangible in our heart. May these worlds keep ablaze in our heart as the fear of the Lord is unleashed in our lives.

  30. Nathaniel Acquah

    This is a revelation at the right time . Thank you Dr Isaiah wealth for opening my eyes to how to fear God

  31. This is deep… the fear of the Lord is a subject that is hardly thought in our days. Am so blessed by this article. Lord cause your fear to be in me and help me to fear you!

  32. This is a message for the season. My God! An eye opener indeed. My understanding has increased. The world needs to gain such insight that’s birthed from the undiluted words of God 🔥🔥🔥. Was so blessed reading this article. The Man of God, Dr. Isaiah wealth was indeed sent for this Generation..

  33. This is a message for the season. My God! An eye opener indeed. My understanding has increased. The world needs to gain such insight that’s birthed from the undiluted words of God 🔥🔥🔥. Was so blessed reading this article. The Man of God, Dr. Isaiah wealth is indeed sent for this Generation..

  34. Wow my God!!! Apart from Being a Gospel pillar… I really believe that this messaged should be circulated across the world
    Because it is only in GPC I know this kind of message is still being preached
    This is an amazing article… I must share and send the link out
    The entire body of Christ needs more of this kind of soul refreshment on a daily.

  35. This article was in did a great one , the fear of the lord has been a major key to revival and has thus been an ancient part in the technology of the spirit the church has left. But thank God for the teaching priest who has reviled this part.
    Revival must break out from the church again.

  36. Victor Wonder Okagbare

    Thank you lord for moving through this publication to reach out to my spirit
    I receive grace to fear and always acknowledge the lord

  37. Puseletso Matebesi

    Wow, what a revaluation. The fear for the Lord is much more than I thought I knew. We thank God for these revaltions through his servant❤️

  38. Thank you lord 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 My eyes have been lightened, help me Lord to always have the fear of God in everything single thing I do🙏🏻

  39. I think this is a actually what our generation needs, the Fear of the Lord.. People are just behaving anyhow, no reverence anymore. Reading this article give us insight and knowledge into what fearing God is

  40. Thank u Lord for this revelation… the fear I have for the Lord must show even in my lifestyle. Our generation need to hear this.

    Thank u Dr Wealth

  41. My God deep Revelation , Help Lord to always live in the fear of you, Thank Dr Isaiah wealth for this wonderful article!!!!!!

  42. This article is a blessing to me because the fear of God is really important as children of God to regard him and do his will.
    Praise the Lord

  43. A message that’s still needed to be emphasized in these times we’re living in. The church needs to go back to the fear of God so we can restore its Glory again

  44. This indeed is a revelatory article, giving a depth understanding on what it really is to Fear God. Very relevant for the times we are in.

  45. My God!!! May we come to know God and fear Him because of His terror so we may fully live in constant fear of who He is.

  46. Thank You Father for this uncommon truth, we pray for the fear of the Lord to be tabernacles in the depths of our hearts

  47. Thank You Father for this uncommon truth, we pray for the fear of the Lord to be tabernacles in the depths of our hearts.

  48. Tebogo Mohajane

    I now understand and believe that for a man to fear
    God,he must begin to acknowledge Him,understand who He is experience His terror and walk with Him daily!!!
    “It’s time to be Revived so we can Revive the nations”🙌
    Thank You Lord Jesus.

  49. Tebogo Mohajane

    This is indeed revelatory! It’s time now for men to know and understand what it means to fear God and acknowledge Him🙌
    It’s time to be Revived so we can Revive the nation.
    Thank You Lord!

  50. My God am so bless by this article, it contains so much revelation and knowledge about the Fear of God. I will begin to work on my self and also inspire others to Fear God acceptably by God.

  51. This peice just seems to speak about a whole lot of our lives. Thanks to Dr. Isaiah Wealth’s for sharing this insights as we need beyond reverence but understanding to help our fear grow and open our heart to His presence that yields terror.

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